Jake's Blog

28 Apr 2024

Microcorruption Mania

At first, Microcorruption was just a diversion. Whenever I was bored with my main project, I could spend a few hours on ...
11 Apr 2024

A Recurse Center Return Statement

I recent completed 18 weeks at the Recurse Center, “the retreat where curious programmers recharge and grow”...
29 Mar 2024

SIMD + Parallelism: Ray Tracer Optimization Part 3

Ok, so I sort of buried the lede in the last post: after removing recursion the ray tracer renders the image in 37 secon...
25 Mar 2024

A Recursion Riddle: Ray Tracing Optimization Part 2

Since I learned about compiler optimization levels, I’ve gone down a deep rabbit hole of CPU performance optimizat...
22 Mar 2024

gcc -wtf: Optimizing my Ray Tracer, Part I

Inspired by others at the Recurse Center, I recently built a ray tracer by working through the excellent book Ray Tracin...
11 Mar 2024

Starting Up

I’ve never written anything on the internet before. Sure I’ve sent emails, but I’ve never had a websit...